Instant Tea Plant

SSP has designed this plant to manufacture instant quality tea from leaves. Tea Extraction Plant provide a fine quality of tea. The process in tea processing plantincludes extraction, separation of waste, evaporation and spray drying.

Plant size can vary from a minimum of 5 kg/hr of instant tea to a very large capacity like 1000 kg/hr.

The plant is made complete in Stainless Steel wherever product is in touch. The space required for a plant of this size is 500 sq.yard.

Fresh Green leaves of the plant Camellia Sinensis is one of the main raw materials for this instant tea production. This type of plant is available throughout the year in abundance.


  • Instant tea is manufactured from black tea by extracting the brew from processed leaves, tea wastes
    or undried fermented leaves.
  • The extract is concentrated under low pressure, and dried to a powder by any of the processes including
    freezing, drying, spray-drying and vacuum-drying.
  • Low temperatures is used to minimize the loss of flavor and aroma.

Instant green tea are manufactured by similar methods but hot water is used to extract liquor from powdered leaves. Instant tea needs to be stored in airtight containers or bottles, because they absorb moisture very quickly.